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Our Story

Over 40 Years of Discipleship

As Discipleship Depot grows, it will become a one-stop shop for discipleship resources that will change your life and facilitate spiritual growth in your church. We hope you find the resources on this site inspiring, helpful, and motivating to create a life full of passion and connection with God and His purposes. 


Jim Buchan has been in ministry for over 40 years, pouring his life into others through the written and spoken word. Before serving in his current role as the Senior Staff Writer at Inspiration Ministries in Charlotte, North Carolina, he was an attorney, pastor, the author of several books, and the editor of Ministries Today magazine and the Morning Star Journal. 

 Jim’s books include Walking the Leadership Highway—Without Becoming Roadkill!, Apostolic Evangelism, The Church Split Cure, and Taking Your Church’s Vital Signs. Jim has been a consultant to numerous churches and would love assist your leadership team or preach at your church or conference.


If you enjoy these resources, we encourage you to click the “Donate Now" button to make a tax-deductible contribution to Jim Buchan's 501(c)(3) organization, Crosslink Ministries, and also visit Jim's personal blogsite.

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